Thursday, December 2, 2010

Out of state performance!!

This particular blog has been mulling around in my mind for an entire week now and I have finally found time to post it!  To all my readers, particularly Rance, here is the blog you’ve been waiting for.  I had quite the adventurous Thanksgiving weekend full of family, food, friends, and traveling.  In the course of my five day holiday, I spent 17 ½ hours driving.  Crazy, yes, but definitely well worth it.  I’m going to leave out a huge chuck of my weekend for another post to follow and focus on my BIG experience on Sunday. 

In September this year, I had the honor of competing at the National Sweetheart Pageant in Hoopeston, Illinois.  I competed with 37 girls from different states and had an amazing time.  I have been trying to stay in contact with many of the girls via phone calls and Facebook creeping.  If part of my daily creep attacks of the Sweetheart girls, I noticed that Miss Minnesota’s Sweetheart, Lauren Johnson(current Miss Twin Cities), was going to be performing at the Mall of America.  I thought to myself…”That’s only seven and a half hours from Lincoln…I wonder when she’s performing, maybe I could go watch!”

So…the adventure starting churning.  I asked Lauren when she’d be performing and told her all about my idea of coming up to visit her and make my first trip to the Mall of America.  She told me she and her sister title holder, Aja Majkrzak, would be performing on November 28th.  A little side note here: Lauren’s pageant director, Kathy Shellum, commented on my Facebook post and told me she had judged me at Miss Omaha last year and that I should come and perform with her titleholders!! :D  Great idea?  YES!  After working out a few kinks, I had agreed to be at the Mall of America on the 28th at 11am. 

This was originally supposed to be a trip of my own because I couldn’t find anyone who was willing to ride with me and home, but it turned out that I needed to be in Sioux City (where my big sis Chabree lives) on Saturday, making the 7 ½ hour drive only 5 hours.  And after a little convincing, I was able to talk my mom into making the drive with me.  Let’s just say that 4:45am isn’t usually my typical holiday weekend wakeup call, but in order to get to Minneapolis in time we needed to be on the road at 6am.  I conned mom into driving so I could catch some more shut eye and before I knew it, we were in Minneapolis pulling into the Mall of America parking garage.  A little wardrobe swap in the car and the mounting of my crown and I was set!

Me, Aja & Lauren

Lauren performing. 

I was SO anxious to see Lauren that I nearly screamed when I saw her beautiful face coming around the corner!  After some pictures and catch up we were ready to begin the performance.  Lauren started the show playing the piano, followed by Aja playing the violin. During their performance, I sat in the audience in my crown and sash watching the shoppers showing interest in what was taking place on stage.  One particular shopper stood out to me.  Her name is Ella. 

          Ella was with her dad and grandpa, and I caught her staring with amazement at the two “princesses” on stage.  She looked so eager to run right up on stage to say hello to them.  I got her dad’s attention and after a few minutes of trying to peel her eyes of the stage she turned, looked at my sash and then my crown, and as her eyes grew wider, so did the smile on her face.  It’s these moments that make everything worthwhile for me.  I waved and smiled at her and coaxed her into coming to talk to me.  She told me all about her day, how she was going to go on a ride in the Nickelodeon Universe.  We spent some time talking about her family; she has one brother.  When I asked her if she was older than him or younger than him she responded like this: “I’m older than him…but, but he’s older than me too.”  SO precious!  She told me that her brother was shopping with mom, and I asked if she liked to shop too.    We also counted how many princesses there were and took some pictures too. 

These moments, these little girls, make it so clear of the importance we, as titleholders have.  Ella, among thousands of other girls, looks up to each of us in so many ways.  Seeing the joy in her eyes as I took 10 minutes out of my day to talk to her, is indescribable.  I like to think that this is a moment that she won’t forget for many years.  Her grandpa told me as they were leaving; that she LOVES dressing up like a princess and that spending time with her, really made her day.  She left the rotunda with a smile on her face so large that it lit up the room.  She turned around, ran up to me and said, “It was so nice meeting you!”  She melted my heart.

I went back to watching the performance on stage where Aja and Lauren had switched things up (Aja on piano and Lauren singing).  Lauren had mentioned she hadn’t ever really performed in front of an audience, so I took the liberty in recording it for her. :)  Unfortunately, I can't share that video with you, as my blogger wont allow it...hummph.  But it is beautiful :) 

I was then asked to come on stage and talk a bit about myself and my platform, before we all performed together.  I loved watching the audience and shoppers as I was singing, especially the younger children who got big smiles when I waved to them.  After singing a few Christmas carols the performance was over.  I would have loved to perform more but I still had a great time.  It was lovely meeting Aja, and seeing both Kathy and Lauren again.  The bittersweet moments of goodbyes ended with a small photo shoot and the joys of seeing each other in a little over a MONTH at Miss America in Las Vegas, Nevada!!  WOOOOO!!

Speaking about my platform, Make Music Rock.

Performing with Lauren and Aja.

My beautiful friend, Lauren!

I had a wonderful time I gained experience as well.  I received some helpful critiques and got to do a little shopping.  I must say though, I don’t think I will be making many trips back to the Mall of America…I don’t think it was exactly my cup of tea.  I like the internet, and California, and Denver, Vegas…etc.  But I loved my first trip and am very thankful for my Sweet<3, Lauren, and for the opportunity I had in performing.  Can’t wait to see you in VEGAS!!
The real us :)
In conclusion, as always, I leave you with some videos from YouTube :)

Laughter from Sarah during our study date!
Song obsession of the week...or maybe longer :)

I have been a little loopy this week as the semester is wrapping up.  I think that it's finally getting to me, all the hustle and bustle I do on a daily basis.  This song makes me smile when I'm thinking about all that's good in my life instead of the struggles, even makes me dance :)

And a little Christmas music!

Off to bed, for the beauty sleep I'll need for my exciting weekend.

Until next time,
Miss Omaha :)

1 comment:

  1. Kaylah,
    It was an honor to have you come up and perform with the Twin Cities Organization!! Can't wait to see you in Vegas! Come up anytime - the "Shellum Hotel" is always open!!

    And the "Mall" isn't that bad! Headspinning at times, but still a fun place to go.

    Have a blessed Holiday season with your family!
