Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pictures, Doctor, and NEWS!!!!! :D

I have so much to share today, but I thought I would start with my photos.  I explained my experience in my last post, but these are the results.  Jackie gave me a flash drive of 110 edited you realize how difficult it is to narrow 110 photos to...hmm..lets say three different headshot photos...I'm ready to pull my hair out!  I just can't decide :/  SO I decided to post 20 photos in a Facebook album and take opinions!  I have a hard enough time deciding what color of socks I'm going to wear in the morning (just for the record, I only have black, white and 4 pairs of colored ones...) so making this decision has become far more challenging that I anticipated.  I have included four of my favorites and I hope you enjoy them!

New headshot?!
This photo makes it into the top 5...I love the colors!

My last post also included a big, nasty, green, mucus man...I was suffering a very nasty cough (still am...a little bit).  I had mentioned that I was going to go to the doctor on Tuesday if it hadn't cleared...well I caved!  After struggling with sleep Sunday night and waking up for work at 5:30am, I didn't know if I would survive (over-exaggerated of course).  I got to work at 6:30am (I work at a daycare in the infant room) and as I was hacking my lungs out, trying to contain my slobber and germs under my armpits my kind-of-boss, Brenda shared with me this:  "I just don't think parents want to hear that right before they pass you their child for the day..."  So, for the first time in my life...I got sent home from work.  I took advantage of this free time and after scheduling a doctors appointment, I slept, and slept, and slept.  I've gotten into this teeny habit of completely filling my schedule with work, school, and activities and then shoving social life into whatever is left.  Because of this...I get a little rundown.  

I'm thinking this one might be perfect for autograph pages!

Extra sleep and the far from delicious medication from the doctor, and I am finally feeling better!  I have lost the constant ab workout from the severe cough least I was considering it a workout.  But I did gain quite the two-pack from all the cough-influencing crunches :)  

On to the "NEWS!!!!!!" I mentioned in the title.  As you know, my platform has recently changed to "Make Music Rock" the importance of music education.  I have been looking into different ideas on promoting my platform in the community and I found it.  For the first time I'm announcing...I just teamed up with the Academy of Rock, here in Lincoln!!  Academy of Rock is a non-profit organization that reaches out to children and youth in the community, and teaching them "how to rock".  Professorial musicians around Lincoln  are the instructors at AOR teaching basics in guitar, drums, voice and keyboard.  They offer classes from beginning levels to advanced and place you with other students to create a band.  "AOR builds self esteem and confidence, triggers creativity, and taps into a part of each kid that is just screaming to get out."  I met with the director, Bob Okamoto, and discussed different things that I will be helping with.  I will be volunteering in some of the after school programs AOR does in the community, working with K-2 grades, providing vocal direction.  I will also be sitting in and working with some of the advanced classes and original bands.  

 A few things that I hope to accomplish, being teamed up with AOR, are getting their name out in the community (many people aren't even aware of this organization, even after being around for four year), helping them with their funding (something that Bob told me was their biggest need.  They only charge what is absolutely necessary not leaving much for supplies or instruments), and being the support that they are giving the kids.  I want to make it my own personal goal to raise enough money for Academy of Rock to purchase two guitars.  Bob gave me a tour of the classrooms and I asked him if the kids had their own instruments or if AOR provided them.  He told me that most of the children bring their own but one of the things he would love is to have guitars for children to use, especially those who may not be able to afford them.  Bod showed me the guitars that they have and referred to them as "junk."  With upwards of 140 students playing of them, they will get worn out but guitars in better condition would be very appreciated.  It was then that I made up my mind to try and raise money to purchase two quality guitars to be kept at AOR for students to use.  CRAZY right?!?!  I am beyond excited and thrilled and ecstatic to get started!  Fundamentally, AOR is exactly what I want to promote.  They aren't a public school affiliation, but they are providing children with a huge opportunity to follow their dreams in music and their passion for something that isn't offered in school. 

Academy of Rock Mission Statement:
Through positive mentorship and instruction from professional musicians and artists, the Northeast Family Center’s Academy of Rock program will provide the opportunity for youth of all ages to explore their musical and artistic interests, engage these youth in a creative atmosphere, and empower them to become strong leaders and outstanding team members within a group and their community, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or income.

So there you have it: my news, my health update, and my new photos.  I am off to figure my crazy schedule for next semester.  Juggling full time student status, a full time job at daycare, 4 piano students, a boyfriend (yes I have one...a really good one at that), volunteering at AOR, and my newest edition: directing a show choir, scheduling can be quite difficult.  But I can do it!  I think I can!  I think I can!  I know I can!  I know I can!  Keep me in your thoughts as this crazy life of mine continues and I will continue to update!

YouTube favorites of the week!
It makes me wanna DANCE, DANCE, DANCE!
Great jam :) I hope you enjoy!

I leave you with this photo...wouldn't it make a great autograph page...typical Kayla I'd say :)

Your Miss Omaha,
Kayla :)

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