Friday, June 3, 2011

Almost Miss Nebraska Week! Almost Miss Nebraska Week!

It's two days away from Miss Nebraska week and I am in Altoona, Iowa at my sisters friends wedding playing wedding singer.  I don't think I've ever been so tired from driving after my weekends of traveling cross country but it is part of the job isn't it?  After my weeks of traveling between Omaha and Lincoln and Gothenburg and Alliance and Iowa and back, I have officially completed my wardrobe.

~evening gown
~off night gown
~opening number outfit
~production outfit
~interview outfit
~parade outfit
~"purse" onality outfit

And last but not least, my talent outfit.  I received my complete outfit on Monday of last week, got my rhinestones in Tuesday, didn't get the glue until Wednesday and have been bedazzling like crazy since then and I am pleased to say that I am nearly, almost, within inches of being done gluing 2800, 16mm rhinestones on my outfit.  And I must is looking fabulous!  I was extremely intimidated by the project at first but and now very proud to have put in all the hard work and effort to complete it.

I took the day off of work today to complete my project and pack and I said goodbye to my babies at work and my three best girlfriends  before making my way to Iowa.  I was immediately set back by the car accident  on I-80 and was driving 25mph on highway 6 to Omaha.  Needless to say I did not follow my mothers suggestions of just sitting back and enjoying the drive, I instead choose to turn my music up louder and yell and rant loud enough that the car behind me could have heard.

I made it back to interstate and after a stop in Omaha made it to Iowa.  I enjoyed the rehearsal and dinner and now I'm ready for bed.  So much for a day of sleeping in as I have to be dressed and ready at the church at 9am.  Who needs sleep anyway, right?  :)

Tired and over ecstatic for the upcoming week,
Kayla Batt
Miss Omaha

ps. I received my autograph pages today...I can't wait to sign them and give them away!

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